Saturday, April 6, 2019

Part 2: Travel Inspiration with Nicole

We are excited to share our next travel inspiration with you - "German Automobile Museums". This TV show will bring you to all the major car makers in Germany. You don't need to be an automobile lover to enjoy this episode. It's also something for travelers who would like to see a Germany off the beaten track, the ones that love architecture, shopping, Oktoberfest and good food.

We start our journey in Munich with BMW, give you a glimpse of the traditional Oktoberfest, head North to Ingolstadt to visit Audi, over to Stuttgart to explore the Mercedes and Porsche museums and to let you know about Stuttgart many other attractions, than Dresden to the Transparent Factory to visit VW luxury car factory and our journey ends in Wolfsburg with VW Autostadt. You will be quite surprised what you will find at VW.

So enjoy the journey. Watch just 5 minutes or the entire show and as always we welcome your questions and comments. 

Credits: The travel shows was recorded with host Jack Barron at Framingham Access TV.