Thursday, January 24, 2019

Part 1: Travel Inspiration with Nicole

Besides making you a Superstar on LinkedIn we also like to inspire to travel.

There are so many unique and beautiful places to discover. We feel travel is needed to understand one another better, discover new ways of cooking, new cultures, appreciate our own world better, and understand history much better. We always come back amazingly refreshed and with buckets full of inspiration and creativity.

So take a look. Watch just 5 minutes or the entire 60 minute travel shows we recorded with host Jack Barron at Framingham Access TV.

We share tips on how to travel to certain destinations, unique paths to discover, culture, foods, and certain things you should avoid. The travel shows mostly focus on travels to Europe.

Let's get started with our latest recording as we could all use a little sunshine and warmth at the moment. Sardinia, Italy (Travels with Jack #66). Check back next month where we will share a new destination with you.

Of course we welcome your questions, feedback and ideas. Please share them with us in the comments below and we make sure to answer them.